Legal notice

a) Personal Data Protection Policy

1.Information about the entity responsible for the automated files

E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L. is an insurance brokerage registered in the Registry of the Directorate General for Insurance and Pension Funds, with code J-2105. The company is also registered in the Mercantile Registry of Córdoba in volume 1488, page 76, sheet co-15.988, 2nd registration.

Company Identification: E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L.
CIF: b14570568
Address: c/ Andrés Barrera s/n. C.E.R. Rabanales-Tecnocórdoba, 14014. Córdoba, SPAIN.
Tel: +34 957 761 114
Fax: +34 957 761 116

2.Scope of application and general information

In accordance with the Ley Orgánica 15/1999, dated December 13th on the Protection of Personal Data and Royal Decree 1720/2007, dated December 21st, E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L. (owner and operator of the data files), provides the following information on the protection of personal data, so that one may decide whether to provide E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L. with the personal data that it may request.

E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L. will modify this policy in terms of the judicial evolution and jurisprudence referred to in the protection of personal data.

3.Automated files. Purpose of data collected.

All of the data required will be incorporated into automated files property of E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L., previously registered in the General Registry of Data Protection at the Data Protection Agency and will be processed automatically.

The collection and automatic processing of the personal data is aimed at the offering, maintenance, administration, extension, improvement and analysis of the services activated, contracted or for which information was requested. Likewise, the purpose of the personal data is also to send, via traditional or electronic means, operational and sales information related to the products and services offered by E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L., and for which E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L. may give your data to third parties with the objective of subcontracting services and processes. The purpose of the data collected and processed automatically includes sending surveys, which the user is not obligated to answer.

Unless otherwise specified in certain fields, the responses to the questions about personal data are required to provide the services.

4.Security measures for the protection of personal data

E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L. informs that it complies with the security measures legally required for the protection of personal data and that it has adopted all reasonable measures in accordance with the knowledge and current technology in order to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, illegitimate intrusion and removal of the personal data provided to E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L.

Nevertheless, Internet is not an impregnable medium.

5.Revoke of consent; rights to access, rectify, cancel and oppose

E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L. informs that at any time one is able to deny previous consent and exercise his or her rights to access, rectify, cancel and oppose the data collected in the automated files, by contacting E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L. via fax, e-mail or in person at their office.

6.Employment of cookie technology

E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L. uses cookies when a user enters and navigates its web pages. Our cookies are associated solely with an anonymous user and his/her computer will not provide references that permit the deduction of the user’s first name and last name(s). The cookies pertaining to E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L. are unable to read the data from the hard drive or the cookie files created by other providers. E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L. codes the user’s identification data for increased security. Due to the cookies, it is possible for E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L. to recognize the registered users after they have registered for the first time, without them having to register on each visit to the website to access the areas and services reserved exclusively for them. The user will be able to configure his/her browser in order to be notified of and reject the installation of cookies on the hard drive. Please consult your browser’s instructions and manuals for additional information. In order to use the portal, it is not necessary for the user to allow the installation of cookies sent by E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L., without prejudice that in which case it will be necessary for the user to register each time he/she accesses a service that requires prior registration.

b) Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce

1.General information, Purpose and Scope of Application

1.1.Information about E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L.

E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L. is an insurance brokerage registered in the registry of the Directorate General for Insurance and Pension Funds, with code J-2105. The company is also registered in the Mercantile Registry of Córdoba in volume 1488, page 76, sheet co-15.988, 2nd registration. The domain as stated below is also registered in the Mercantile Registry of Córdoba.

Company Identification: E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L.
CIF: b14570568
Address: c/ Andrés Barrera s/n. C.E.R. Rabanales-Tecnocórdoba, 14014. Córdoba, SPAIN.
Tel: +34 957 761 114
Fax: +34 957 761 116
Domain name:

1.2.Purpose and Scope of Application

The purpose of this document is to comply with the information requirements for users of information society services and electronic commerce conducted by E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L.

The services provided by E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L., as a provider of information society services and electronic commerce, are as follows:

web portal with its own domain in which it offers corporate and sales information; e-client services in accordance with the general conditions and services for individuals made available to users in the portal; application for information via e-mail and download of documentation to speed up procedures with E.P.G. y Salinas, S.L., insurance brokerage. Correspondence via e-mail with current and potential clients that require information

2.Correspondence via e-mail

Sales correspondence will be conducted in accordance with our personal data protection policy.

In the sales correspondence the name of the brokerage will be identified and the word “advertising” will be included at the beginning of the Subject field, whenever the correspondence is regarding products or lines of business.

The recipient of the sales correspondence will be able to revoke at any time his or her consent given to receive sales correspondence by sending a notice via e-mail to the following address: